Friday, April 8, 2016

Look at the fruit

Matthew 7: 17-20
So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. 

How many of you like fruit? Looking at this picture above makes me want to run to the grocery store right now and buy a lot of fruit and just chow down, can I get a witness? I love nearly all fruit. But what about bad fruit? Have you ever seen when fruit turns bad? How appealing is that to eat? How quick will you walk away from fruit in the supermarket that has fruit flies swarming all around it?

We are to be the same way with people. Now this scripture a few verses before was talking about being cautious of false prophets that come in sheep's clothing. Jesus went on to start talking about fruit. Why did Jesus do this? He did this because fruit will produce... With fruit you have fruit that may not be ready to be picked because it's to ripe, or sometimes fruit that's been sitting gets bad, or the best case scenario is that the fruit is perfect. We have to be fruit inspectors.

Now when it comes to me, I like to sit back and watch people. I inspect people like many of us do. You can't just jump into friendships or other relationships with people without knowing what they are like. I got burned a few times because I didn't take the time I needed, so this was a lesson well learned by taking more time with people.

I have a friend of mine and I do call her a friend, who flows heavily in the prophetic and one night she called me out and read my mail like nobody ever has with pinpoint accuracy. At the time I didn't know anything about her but I was like, is this person a psychic or is she a prophet?  So I went and started an investigation on my own. Well I had seen some things on various sites where she was in new age and psychic type things. I was like ok... well the Bible says test the spirits so I did just that. I had seen her other times and would just sit and listen to her and just observe to see which way she was flowing. It turns out that she used to be in the new age and psychic things but is no longer involved. We have talked about this since then and it was something that was in her past.

Guess what? We all have a past. I can't write someone off because of their past, and neither should you. I give people who are trying a lot of grace and mercy. I want to help people, not hurt people. I have no problems helping you the best I can if I see that your trying.

If someone has bad fruit and your goal is to take me down with you, bye Felicia! I don't have time for people who are trying to take me down the same road as them. I am glad to help people to lift them up, but I do not have time to go back to where I used to be. I am different now, so guys, watch out for these kinds of people. It's ok if people aren't ripe yet... give them grace and mercy because they need it, but if it's bad fruit then I would say to put a lot of distance between you and them or just walk away. Inspect and observe people and their fruit.

Another quick note here. We can't expect people who are not born again to act born again, do you catch my drift? If they don't know the truth that's different. Jesus sat with sinners to show them the way. We can't just stay in our little Christian circles because we were called to go out and make disciples, not stay in our comfort zones and Christian circles.

We need to be like Christ in all things meaning, being there for people and not turning away from them in their time of need, but we can't be a doormat for people either. We can't always bail people out of their situations. You can't be their God. Sometimes people need to eat with the hogs (Luke 15 reference) and come to a realization about needing a change in their life. Sometimes we need to let people hit their rock bottom. Notice in Luke 15, which talks about the story of the prodigal son. The father didn't bail out the son who wanted his inheritance. He gave it to him and let him go. I can't imagine letting my son just go but sometimes we need to let people go.

We need to know that we can't be God and fix everyone. We can't fix people anyways. The only one who can fix us is the Lord, but God needs our will to line up with His to bring transformation. I gave up fixing people a while ago. I can't do it. I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.

So this morning I want to encourage you to ask God for discernment with people and situations. Pray that God will make you spiritually aware of wolves in sheep's clothing and people who generally aren't ripe yet. The reason we need discernment is because you don't want to be a Pharisee, who is a religious person who turns their nose to people but are "holy" people. Again our goal is to be like Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with people and situations.

When you ask the Holy Spirit for discernment He will help you recognize people and their fruit to see where they are at.

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