Monday, April 11, 2016

God's going to show off

Good afternoon, so today the Lord put this scripture and saying in my Spirit but I want to expand on it. Before I expand on this and before everyone gets all excited I want to put out a disclaimer. I could care less to make your flesh happy, I don't care about the flesh at all, what my goal is transformation. So my disclaimer is to your flesh.

God is not interested in your flesh either, and even though God is doing some crazy things this season in a good way it's not so you can go around bragging you have the best car or the most expensive house on the block. God is moving things and setting things up like a game of chess. Every piece has to be put in a specific spot for such a time as this. You picking up what I am putting down? This isn't about bragging rights it's about strategy.

When God pours out His ridiculous favor it's a chess move. For some of you this may be very drastic, but if you trust Him, you will see great things come your way.

As I said previously that God is going to be doing crazy things in this season, and some of them will be drastic. Why? Because the time is short! He is doing so much and some of you will experience powerful shifts and movement because He is putting you into place. Don't be suprised at some of the things God will have you do, but He wouldn't ask you to do it if He didn't trust you. Remember Jonah? Jonah got a little self centered but God had to bring a big fish into the picture to help him out.

This is not the season to fight and argue with God because if you do that you will miss out on so much that He has for you. Sometimes people won't get it, and that's ok but keep trusting in the Lord and He will do the talking for you. God's going to be bringing finances into the church like never before but let me warn you, keep it for the kingdom. Be a river not a reservoir. A river always flows. God will be sending millionaires in your path and they will be blessing churches with some big seed because the Lord is speaking to them, but for those churches that waste it and don't use it for Kingdom purpose, they will never see it again.

When it comes to the ways and the thoughts of God go with it. Again, God is the ultimate chess player and He is making the moves, the shifts, the transition, bringing in the wealth for a reason. Some of you been having a lot of dreams, I know I have, but God is giving His people dreams again. Why? He wants you to see things, for some that's the only way God can talk to you because you are not listening when He speaks in other ways. Guys, just be careful when it comes to dreams. What I mean by that is don't get goofy ok? God does use dreams and speak in dreams but not always ok? We have the Word of God and we have the Holy Spirit for a reason. Not only that but the Lord gives us discernment. Just be careful because dreams comes to your mind, and that is the main way the enemy comes at you meaning, the mind. God takes a big risk when it comes to dreams for this reason. So if you have a dream and you think it's God write it down and pray over it. Talk to somene who is in tune with God and bounce the dream off of them.

As I end this today I just want to say that I am so excited that the Lord has me here in this hour. Not only that but I say the same for you. We are near the end of this thing. God always saves the best for last. I would have it no other way. So here are a few things you need to do during this season.

1) Don't slack on prayer, reading the Word and spending time in worship
This is not the time to back off on God, but press in. Keep pressing in on these things because the time is short and the enemy knows his time is nearly up.

2) Lay aside your will
Galatians 2:20 says, I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. God will direct you to a destiny and it will be great! But you have to lay aside your will in order for it to happen.

3) Take yourself out of the equation
I struggle with this so much. Can I just be real with you? I always want to help God out but I am finding out that He does a much better job than I do. The more I remove myself the more God can do, just saying. Do yourself a favor and start this early. It will save you from a lot of frustration down the road. Don't confuse this with the 2nd thing. With this, you are in agreement with God's will, but you are trying to help Him and it will do more harm than good.

Example: God told me in October of 2014 to move to Missouri. I had no job, no housing and I didn't know very many people so I was trying to help God and I was sressing out trying to figure it all out. I like to know details and God keeps messing with me and won't show me sometimes... lol yanno? Finally, I trusted, and I saw His hand. Today I am so thankful but I was a mess during trying to figure it out back then.

4) Expand your faith
This kind of goes hand in hand with the 3rd thing but it's ok if you don't know how God is going to do something, as long as your trusting Him to do it. God will show up on your behalf, just trust Him to do so.

To end this I just want to say, fasten your seat belts folks... lol it's going to be a wild ride but God has you. Trust in Him and His timing and you will see great things happen.

Be Blessed!

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