Friday, March 18, 2016

Who wants to remember their sins?

Isaiah 43:25
I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins. 

Can you guys think back for a moment in time when you were a really good sinner? I mean.... like you were a superstar sinner, do you remember that? For some it may be harder to remember than others. The fact is, we have all fallen short of the glory of God, but why do we want to remember those things and keep ourselves captive? 

If God has forgotten about your sins, your mistakes, your whoops, than why can't you forget? So many people need deliverance from their past. We are so bound up by the scars of our past that it hinders and locks up our future. I will never forget about hearing Joyce Meyer talk about how she was abused... and the day that God asked her how long she was going to be a victim. At first I was like whoa.. that's a little harsh but really is it? God was trying to prepare her future but He couldn't because she was locked up in her past. 

That was a traumatic thing and I am not trying to make light of something like that, but why let our past dictate our future? There are some of you reading this and you have done some stuff, but when you asked Jesus to come into your heart, make you clean, make you new... guess what? He does! This is the beauty of the cross. The cross symbolizes death. Death is the end... So when Jesus went to the cross and died for you, He nailed your sin to the cross... He nailed your SINS to the cross. He put death to what you did. 

Do you know who remembers your sin? Yes the devil himself. He assigned a demon to you, your family... to observe..... to watch... to study. He knows your weaknesses, your tendencies. You see the enemy can only mess with your mind. Your thoughts, your emotions... things like that. This is the power struggle. If you are born again the Holy Spirit lives in you, but your mind can't be born again, so this is where the enemy fights. So again, if God forgets your sin, and the enemy doesn't and your fighting your past, who are you fighting? Catch my drift? 

But today is a new day for you. If the Lord has forgotten about your sin, so should you. Don't allow the enemy to help you remember things. Move past your past and embrace your future amen? So how do I do this? Pray and confess this over yourself. 

Today is a new for me. Today I forget about my past and I will not allow the devil of anyone in my past to try and hinder me. The devil is under my feet! I refuse to live in my past because I am embracing my future, my destiny. God has a great plan for my life, and I will follow in all that He has for me. If God is for me, who can be against me? In Jesus name I pray? Amen... 

Well that's all for now. You have a great day and remember... your past can't determine your future! 

Be blessed!

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