Thursday, March 17, 2016

Are you really listening?

Ezekiel 3:10
Moreover, he said to me "Son of man, all my words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart, and hear with your ears."

A few weeks ago in our college and career night my wife and I was talking to everyone and I was like, let me ask you guys a question, do we really listen to the words that we sing or is it lip service? We were talking about the song Oceans. I want to recite the lyrics to you in a certain part of the song.

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever you would call me, take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger, in the presence of my Savior.

Now we read that and say wow, what great words but do we really understand what in the world we are singing when we sing that song? Let me just say here that we are saying God take me to a place where I trust you more... take me to a place that is deeper. Have you really examined those words? Do you really want God to take you deeper? Do you really want Him to take you to a place where your trust is without borders? Before you get all spiritual do you realize just what your asking God to do?

Think before you sing.... think before you say those words and pray those kind of prayers because that is putting you on dangerous grounds. God will take you to the backside of the desert for years... God will take you to a place where you have to rely and trust in Him for literally everything... everything. God will say give more than you have ever given than when you will find yourself short and He will say trust me!

Can I be real with you tonight? This is where my wife and I are at right now. God has had us sow and sow and sow some big seed, like very uncomfortable seed on  different occasions but, it wasn't for the heck of it I do know that. I am calling in the harvest for such a time as this. I am praying and believing God for my own house. I am praying and seeking and believing God for a lot of things right now. I have sown, now I just water with my words... and wait for that harvest.

Let me get back to my point tonight... when you go to church on Sunday morning and sing those praise and worship songs, those hymns, or whatever you sing are you paying attention to those words or is it lip service? Many times we are singing songs in our car, in the church but we are clueless at to what we are singing. Tonight I want you to begin to notice those words on the screen. Tonight I want you to take some stock in those words because words are so very powerful.

I pray for everyone who ever reads this that the songs we sing... the words we read from our Bibles take root in us so that we can have some real meaning and power. Be blessed tonight and remember... pay attention to the words and the songs we sing. Listen to the words...

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