Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The door is open! Will you be brave enough to walk through?

1 Cor 16:8
But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

So last night I get this picture together and post it on Facebook right? Well the Lord gave me a word this morning on this very thing. Once I got it together the Lord said get on periscope and speak it out! I thought it was a message for another time but the Holy Spirit said to speak it out and well.. since He is in charge I just went with it.

So right now God has this door opened for you, but the question is, will you walk through it or just stare it wishing you could walk through?

The door is opened but there are adversaries. If you think that the enemy is just going to lay down you are mistaken. If you think the enemy is just going to let you walk in that door without resistance you are mistaken. Also if you think that haters are going to keep quiet your wrong.

The enemy will use anyone and everyone who has a voice to try and keep you from your destiny. Also the enemy will especially use loved ones and friends, people you have an emotional attachment to to try and hinder you.

Here is a few keys about this door. The door is wide but ummm, not everyone will come with you through that door.

KEY 1: Get a small circle around you who is going where your going

You need to get a very small circle around you who is going in your direction. You don't need too many people literally 2 or 3 people. Now, make sure your following the Lord in your decision making. Don't be taking people and drinking the kool aid you know what I mean? This is for those who have a clue where they are going but are not right there yet. Pray and fast for those who are supposed to be in your corner.

KEY 2: Let the Holy Spirit lead you

In everything, you need the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher, your Guide, your everything. Don't go rogue here flow with the Holy Spirit. He will show you but, He will not drive you. What the Holy Spirit will do is lead you to a place where your out of your comfort zone, but then you get to a place where you rely on the Holy Spirit.

As I end this I want to say that you have to put that spirit of fear behind you. If you plan on moving forward that spirit of fear can't come with you. This is a Peter walking on the water moment. Remember the scripture God has not given you a spirit of fear? Yes... forget about the nay sayers, forget about the haters, forget about the fear, and move forward. You got this. You are more than a conqueror.

Be blessed!!!!

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