Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Gloves are Off!!!!!!!

Matthew 11:12 
From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. 

John 14: 14 
When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. 

Have you ever had one of those days when you thought it was going to go one way and went another? Let me just say this happened to me yesterday so this is why I am partially writing this, the other reason is because there are so many of you right now that are right on the edge of your breakthrough but you need something  to push you over the edge. Do you remember when Jacob wrestled the angel in the Book of Genesis? Jacob was getting his blessing (Genesis 32:22-28) no matter what. Jacob refused to be denied.

Some of you all are being to cute. Some of you all are acting like this thing isn't worth a fight. Hey, God is going to be granting breakthrough but it's going to cost you something. When Job went through his stuff he got double for his trouble. I am not interested in pumping you up I want to see you transformed. I don't want to make your flesh happy I want to see you gain momentum in the spirit and get your breakthrough. How willing are you to fight?

To many Christians are simply not fighting and God is saying, "if you want breakthrough you got to fight". I know what your going to say, the battle is not mine Troy, it's the Lord's. Really? Did Jacob have to wrestle? Jacob was bound and determined to get his and let me just say, I am bound and determined to get mine. Come hell or high water my gloves are off and I am more than willing to fight and do whatever it takes. I will fight and do what I must do.

I told my wife Marketta yesterday that we went through to much hell to just sit here and do nothing. You got to have a, do whatever it takes kind of attitude. Jesus got stirred up Himself whenever John the Baptist was beheaded... what did he do? He went out and started healing folk. He didn't just sit there. Guys, you can't just sit there.

This isn't some cute devil we are fighting, the Bible says he is out to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Jesus said I have come that we might have life! So the battle is real, the fight is real, and we can't allow the devil to stop up our blessing or our breakthrough. Again I am not here to tease your flesh I want to see the body of Christ get breakthrough. I want to see the body of Christ do something and get theirs for a change. I am sick of the body of Christ getting the short end of the stick and we just sit here and agree with it and continue waiting on things that are available for us to get! I say no more delay! I say no to the enemy who is trying everything to dam up our blessing and our breakthrough. Today I want you to say NO MORE! Today I want you to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let a holy boldness rise up in you and take this thing by force!

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