Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Get out of the boat and walk


So last night I went to our church and prayed about some things. Last night during prayer I actually got on periscope and watched someone who was talking about let it go! It just really spoke to me and then this morning I was thinking about Peter getting out of the boat to meet Jesus.

In Matthew 14: 22-33 tells the story of Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus. What a sight that must have been to see a man walk on water. It's one thing to see Jesus, the Son of God walk on water but for Peter to walk on water, that's a miracle.

So this boat was in the middle of the sea... and the disciples see Jesus walking on water towards them. They weren't sure if it was the Lord or not so Peter says, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water (V28). So Jesus simply says, come. What was Peter thinking while being in the middle of the sea, and deciding to step out of the boat, and onto the water?

I think that is like many of us today, we are so afraid to take that 1st step. God may say to do this or to do that and we are like... ummmm I don't know about all of this. Did Peter say, hey Jesus, I tell you what, you come to the boat so I can see you better? No, that's not at all what happened. This story is much different. What is it about this 1st step that makes us fear so much? It's the fear of the unknown. I get it! I understand it! It's the game where you choose the $100 instead of what's behind door #1. You can see the money, you can see everything, it's tangible. When it comes to the door your vision is blocked. That's where so many of us are. We always choose the money or the tangible thing because with our natural eyes we can touch it.

God many times will lead you to the door but so many of us are afraid because we can't see all that God sees. So many of us are stuck and don't launch out because of fear of the unknown.

So what else is great about this story? Well, Peter had to keep his eyes on Jesus and not on the water. It doesn't quite make sense that Peter walked on water but it happened. If you read a lot of stories in the Bible it will leave you saying what? how did that happen? Well, it's a God thing. God says my ways are not your ways and your thoughts are not my thoughts. If we could only learn to see with His eyes we would always choose whats behind the door... that is, unless He leads us to the money or the tangible thing. When Peter kept his eyes on Jesus He walked on water. He did something that wasn't in his ability to do. When was the last time you walked on water? But isn't that our Jesus? He will always call you to do something that you can't do it, that way, He gets the glory and He keeps you humble.

This story does have some suspense because once Peter took his eyes off of Jesus because the winds blew and Peter looked down at what he was doing he started to sink. Do you want to know how quickly your ship or your life will sink? Just take your eyes off Christ when the winds blow and you will see. With God all things are possible, without God... good luck! With God, He will lead you into doing things you didn't think was quite possible but without God you get to stay in your nice comfy spot like always. You will end up being the person who doesn't quite fulfill all that God had for you.

Near the end of this story Jesus doesn't let Peter sink and drown but He, being Jesus saves Peter. How many times has the Lord saved you and I? To many times to count. Always remember the Lord will guide you not drive you.

It is my hope and prayer that all of us examine where we are in life and ask the Lord, do I need to get out of the boat? Am I being to comfortable? Only you and the Lord can deal with that question but just don't allow fear to stop you from fulfilling God's call on your life. The time is short. God is moving here on the earth, so what are you waiting for?

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