Saturday, July 29, 2017
Holy Ghost Explosion
It's a Set Up for an Explosion &Eruption of my Glory!!!!!
Isaiah 60: 1-4
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes all around, and see; they all gather together, they come to you; your sons and daughters shall be carried on the hip.
The Holy Spirit is just so wonderful. He is a helper, a guide, teacher and will show you things to come... He is wonderful.
OK, so the Lord told me this morning, what this country, this world is going through right now is a set up for an explosion and an eruption of God's glory! The scripture God gave me just a few minutes ago was in Isaiah 60.
For behold there is darkness on the earth, deep darkness even on the people.... but it's a set up. Wars.... rumors of wars, the political mess in our country where half the people hate our President and the other half likes him. Things are being done and change is happening and many are enraged, but the Holy Spirit said it's a set up!!!!
All this going on right now is a set up for God to take center stage! Some say the rapture, but here is my opinion and my opinion only. I believe that before the Lord Jesus comes back to get the church, that there will be a world revival that will take place. Signs and wonders will come to this earth that will blow you away. The healing and the miracles will take place will far surpass what we have seen before. Revivals will be like explosions everywhere. What will be so different about this end time revival? I will tell you that what will make this one different is the names! You say the names? Yes because it won't be the big names like Hinn, Wigglesworth, Lake, Roberts, Graham, Bonke, it will be the whole church rising up to lift up one name, and that name is Jesus. This is the age of the no name that will start revivals, move in power, move in miracles, healing.
The Holy Spirit said if you are in it to be noticed by the masses you will be removed until further notice! If you are in it for the name, the anointing will be stripped from you until you humble yourself. This revival will not be about man, but about God. This revival will be spoken as the nameless revival. This will not be about one man/woman, one ministry, one church, but it will be about God and God alone. Revivals in the past have been powerful, but the problem is there was to big of a name that was usually attached but the Lord said the only name on this revival will be my name! The masses will come to my name. The masses will be delivered by my name!
This explosion and eruption will flood the streets and highways
I remember living in Colorado when Mt Saint Helens erupted. This eruption was 1600 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. I remember seeing news footage of this, the eruption was so powerful, a portion of the mountain blew off which caused a huge land slide, the worst in America.
The Holy Spirit said my eruption and explosion will far surpass what you have seen because it will be global. People will be driving down the highway and just feel compelled to cry out to the Lord. People in remote villages will feel my presence and bow in reverence. The power and the glory of God will be everywhere and there will be nowhere the enemy and the darkness can hide.
Now many will still be like Pharaoh and harden their heart towards God. Many will say I will not give my heart to God, I will not become a Christian but the Lord said at least they will know my name. Like the Egyptians, many will harden their heart but make no mistake, they will know He exists.
Seeker Sensitive Churches will decrease in number
Pastors of seeker churches will feel this shift because people will hunger and thirst more for God. The glory will bring about both repentance and hunger. Shepherds will be asked about miracles, healing, the prophetic, deliverance, and if no answer is given, the people will leave. For a season many seeker churches will dwindle and some, close their doors.
We are on the brink of explosion and eruption. This isn't a word for many years down the line... this is a word for this hour because we are on the brink! Praise God what an exciting time for the church. Keep pushing and keep pressing! We are at the brink!
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
The Heart of a Warrior
Psalm 144:1
Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.
What do you think of when you hear the word warrior? Maybe our minds can go back to movies we have watched. Maybe the movie Braveheart, 300, or Conan the Barbarian. Maybe it's not a movie at all, maybe it's historical figures like Genghis Khan or Joan of Ark. No matter who it is when you see or hear the word warrior, you get an image in your head of someone.
So my question is this morning, what about you? When you see the word warrior do you see yourself? You may laugh at the thought that you are a warrior, but the fact is we have all gone through battles in life, perhaps some of us have been through more battles than others, but we have our scars to prove the battles in life; rather physical, mental, or emotional.
My post this morning is the heart of a warrior because I want you to see yourself as a warrior. David was the author of this psalm and no doubt he was a warrior. When he was a teenager he was a shepherd boy, but it was that shepherd boy who slayed a giant. Isn't it funny that the children of Israel could not defeat Goliath, but it took a shepherd boy who had a shepherd mentality to defeat the giant? A shepherd mentality Troy? Yes David rose up and got into protector mode and seen Goliath as someone who was trying to hurt the flock and defy God so he had to go.
Christian.. believer, you are in a war rather you want to fight or not. Some of you don't want to fight but thing is you better fight. We cannot be cowards we must tighten up our boot straps, roll back our sleeves and jump into the fight. You may be saying, I am tired, I am scared, I don't want to do this, than the fact is, saved is what you don't want because sometimes it's a fight every day.
Are you serious? everyday? Yes at times it seems that way. For some of you, it's a fight to pray, a fight to read your Bible, a fight to go to church, a fight to live right, I am telling you it's a fight. You have to get it in your head right now that I didn't give my life to Christ so I could avoid war, avoid fighting, no honey the war began when you said Jesus, I give you my life. When you say, thy will be done in me, the war begins. Ding, ding, the bell rings and now it's time to fight.
Why?Because the devil hates you, he hates everything your about. He hates Christ, he hates God, he hates Christians because we have been made in the image of God. You may say well Troy I don't want the devil to hate me, I say I am glad he hates me because I hate him. I hate him, his kingdom, all he stands for and I am called to bring his kingdom down.
When I became a Christian I enlisted in the army of God, it's no different than someone signing up for the armed forces. When you sign your name on that dotted line you choose that day to fight for that country. When we said yes to Christ, we said yes to His will, yes to His way, yes to his kingdom. When you gave your heart to Christ you instantly made an enemy.
Today I want to encourage you to be a fighter. So many Christians are sitting on the side lines of this war instead of joining in the fight. So many are whining because of the warfare. I get tired, I get frustrated just like you. There are times when I feel broke down, but I can't and won't quit. God has called us and equipped us to fight!! So do it!!!! Fight, and don't give up no matter what. Direct your frustration at your enemy! Refuse to be denied.
God has trained us for war, and our fingers for battle. Join the fight and I say, get off the side lines because you are no help on the side lines.
I pray this has stirred you up today, I know I am! I want the devil defeated. I want victory and this means we don't lay down, don't quit, and don't stop.
be blessed
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Psalm 41: 9
Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.
This moring I want to talk about betrayal. There are so many today that are suffering because they have been betrayed by people who have been close to us, rather it was a best friend, family member or someone else but how many of us can thank God that betralyal in in the Bible. The two that come to mind who were betrayed by someone close was David, and also Jesus. David was betrayed by King Saul, you know, the one that was jealous because of his popularity, and anointing.
We know all about Jesus and His betrayal. Judas, the money man, the collector was the one who betrayed Jesus for some money and it was sealed with the kiss on the cheek, the kiss of death.
So, how do we handle being betrayed? What do you do?
There are several things you do, and even some things you don't do, which honestly the things not to do is just as important as the things to do.
Things you don't do:
1) You do not confront the person right away unless you can control your emotions
How many have blown this one? I have no doubt. Problem with confronting people when our emotions are not in control is that we say things we don't mean and not ony that but we are totally in the flesh, and last I checked that has never been a good thing with a good result. When you confront someone without your emotions being in check you end up making things much worse.
2) Don't seek revenge
I have also been there, done that. If you seek revenge your simply going by emotions yet again. You are hurt, you are angry, you want that person to feel the same pain you felt. So many times we take matters into our own hands which again is a flesh thing and we will make things worse. You may think, since they cheated on me, I will cheat on them just to show them how it feels, or this person said something they should have kept quiet, so I will speak about their dirty laundry! This is not what you should do, the Bible says that revenge belongs to God.
Things to do:
1) Pray
You are emotional: your angry, your hurt, your wounded so thing is, why not pray first? TheBible says to cast your care upon the Lord, because He cares for us. I love to fish, one of my favorite things to do... if I want to catch a fish I got to cast out some bait, I got to launch that bait out to catch a fish, same have got to cast your hurt, your pain to the Lord. I can hear some of you, oh you are so spiritual, and it's not that but we got to come to the Lord with this because of our flesh and our emotions.
When we are wounded, especially if it's someone close to us that we love, it gives an open door to the enemy to get a foothold on you. The last thing you want is an open door for your enemy to come in and steal, kill and destroy.
2) Read your word on hurt, pain, betrayal
This is deep right? No this is practical but so many people do not think about being practical when it comes to being betrayed. Usually what happens is our carnal flesh wants a chance to act out. What did Jesus do? Nothing honesly because He knew Judas would betray him. He knew Judas was taking money, but He kept him as the treasurer... there is something called sowing and reaping and it's a spiritual law. Some people say karma, I don't do karma but I do get sowing and reaping. What you sow, you will also reap someday. You sow kindness, you will reap kindness. You sow carnality, you will reap carnality.
3) Forgive them
WHOA!!!!!! Wait a second are you serious? Do you know what they did to me? Do you have any idea ow badly they wounded me? You are clueless to know the amount of pain I have because this person did this, or did that... Yes... forgive. I have been betrayed before, and it stinks to no end. Took me quite a while to forgive this person and honestly, should have done it much sooner. We have to forgive if we are ever going to get ahead.
Holding onto hurt, and pain, anger will do nothing for you. Let it go by forgiving them. I am not saying it's easy, but it is worth it! By choosing not to forgive them is only going to keep you bound. By staying in unforgiveness you will stunt your growth as a believer. You will never grow if you don't forgive. Not only will you not grow, but you will hurt others yes it's true. Hurt people hurt others.
Today it is my hope that you can move forward from the past because God has a great future for you! Don't allow being betrayed to ruin your whole life. Does it hurt? do you feel angry? grieved? Yes prolly all the above but f you start operating in the spirit like Jesus did, you will see the benefits.
Be blessed!
Friday, July 21, 2017
Drug Abuse and Witchcraft

Galatians 5: 19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like....
This morning I want to deal with witchcraft because this is what the Lord put on my heart the last few days.
I want to take something from my devotional because it is so powerful. My daily devotional is called "Sparkling Gems from the Greek" by Rick Renner. When someone passed this to me I was so thrilled because this is deep! Anyways so Rick Renner is talking about witchcraft... and in this devotional he says "the word witchcraft is from the Greek word pharmakeia, the Greek word for medicines or drugs that inhabit a person's personality or behavior. We would call these mind altering drugs. The Greek word pharmakeia is where we get the words pharmaceutical drugs or the word pharmacy. This word was used in connection with sorcery, magic or witchcraft."
Now, the word witchcraft can go deeper into also meaning a few other things like control etc.. but I want to stick right here with the word pharmakeia. I know I am going to lose a lot of people and people might get mad at me for a few things I might write here but I am not here to win a popularity contest, I am here to contend with a spiritual force on the earth that is killing millions.
I can relate with all this because I was married to someone with an addiction problem. I have seen what addiction does to not only a person, but the families of someone with an addiction problem. There is such a wide spread problem with addiction and the root of this problem is the spirit of witchcraft.
The spirit of witchcraft hungers and thirsts for control, and if you think about addicion, the root of that addiction is the spirit of witchcraft. Today witchcraft is spread by some Doctors... rather they know or not. This can break off into many branches here about this, but I want to stay focused on the problem. I want to add a side note, I am not bashing all Doctors , and I am not saying that taking all medicine is witchcraft, but what I am saying is that there is a huge problem here on a global scale, and if we don't battle this behemoth, it will get worse. We Christians have to stand up and fight like we have never fought before.
We need to stand up to this stronghold, but with Christ all things are possible. The Bible says we are to pull down strong holds so this thing can be defeated.
So my Pastors wife spoke something the other day about opiates and how so many are just hooked and addicted. Many hate it, but can't let loose of the yoke that is around their neck. Opiates come from the poppy plant, and is used in many drugs today, both legal and illegal.
Opiates are highly addictive and millions today are suffering. I worked at a pharmacy for over 4 years and have seen the effects that drugs that are opiates have on people. I have seen people showing up to the pharmacy a week or two early just to try and get their prescription filled early... I have heard all the excuses but you know there is a substance abuse problem. The government has stepped in and has helped some by holding Doctors accountable, watching prescriptions, how they are written and called in, how they are dispenced etc... but it hasn't stopped the problem.
The government was never called to stop spiritual problems. I believe only God can, but this isn't on God's shoulders alone, it's also on ours because we are the church. God placed the church here to be His hands, His feet and His voice here on the earth. We are the whistle blowers and we are the ones that are called to stand, to pray, to work here on earth. Drugs don't cure, or fix anything.... they can only assist. A pill cannot cure a problem.... I don't care what someone says... if a drug could cure a problem the drug companies would go out of business.
They don't make money by curing people, they make money by getting you to come back to your pharmacy every month. They will make you a slave. The drug company needs the Doctor to write more scripts..
It's sad that many Christians have put more faith in their Doctors and prescriptions than they have God. This leads me back to the root word of witchcraft.... pharmakeia.
Guys, it's time to hunker down and pray more... seek more...get free of things that bind us. There is so much more I wanted to say but it's for another day.
It is my hope and my prayer that we seek God and get free!!!
be blessed
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Face to Face
Exodus 33: 9-11
When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent, all the people would rise up and worship, each at his tent door. Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, young man, would not depart from the tent.
How powerful is this? Just think about this for just a moment.... the Bible declares that the Lord would speak to Moses, face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Now if this isn't powerful enough, when Moses left, Joshua, who would lead after Moses, stayed in the tent, would not leave.
The picture above is true, God doesn't call the qualified, but He does qualify the called, but what many who are called fail to realize is that there is a price to pay to be chosen. If you are chosen, you got to be willing to meet wth God, and you got to be willing to stay in the tent like Joshua, even though others have left.
Many have said I want to be used of God. I want to walk like Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Evan Roberts, Charles Finney etc... but are you willing to pay the price for that type of anointing? You don't think there is a price to pay for a powerful anointing? Ha! You have to be willing to lay down everything, and I do mean everything for that anointing. You have to be willing to walk alone. You have to be willing to suffer, and suffer greatly for that type of walk with God. I look at the life of Moses and the life of Joshua.
We all are quick to point out Moses sin when he struck the rock and disobeyed God, but what about before that? Examine the life of Moses. Look at the things Moses endured. Moses and David are my favorites in the Bible for different reasons. A few things I love about both Moses and David is that they were never satisfied with just a touch from God.... no they wanted God with all their heart, and not only that they suffered.
Do you know what separates the men from the boys? No it's not the size of the church or the ministry, it's in the meeting with God face to face. Do you know what will make a disqualified person qualified? It's in the meeting God face to face times.
There is always hope for the broken, no matter how broken they are... no matter how bad they are because all is can take is 1 meeting with the Lord that can change their lives 180 degrees.
Are you in a dry place today? Are you in the doldrums of life? My question is, when's the last time you were face to face with the Lord? Don't give excuses but just be real with yourself... I am not your judge and I am not the one who has all the answers, only God has those answers.
Today I want to encourage you to get before the Lord. Today make a decision to be like Moses.... separate yourself from the crowd, get alone with God face to face, and make it a habit, and watch how your life changes.
Do you want to be qualified? Get alone with the Lord, face to face and watch what happens. It can be life changing!
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