Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Search and Rescue, don't let them die

Proverbs 24:11 
Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. 

What are your thoughts of the picture above? You may say why in the world would you use it because it's creepy and reminds me of death. Just think about it, dead people are placed on this table and embalmed. 

Here is my goal, I want you to start thinking about others. I want this table and this picture to be engraved in your mind forever. We are so focused on us it's ridiculous. We are focused with our comfort, our money, our car, our home, my problems, my issues, my struggles that we forget about people that we walk past every single day! 

Can I be real to you? I am talking to myself here. I am not exempt from anything. Sometimes I get this way. When we face tough trials we tend to just focus on us, but if we can just get our eyes on others and just keep pushing we will see breakthrough in our own lives. 

We are about to experience the greatest outpouring that this world has ever seen. Actually we are right at the very beginning of it right now. We are just barely starting to see some things happen. Let me say though we can't be so focused on us that we forget about others. We will see people who do not look or dress like what the church is used to for the very first time. The unchurched will be entering the church in droves. We will actually get back to what the early church had witnessed in the book of Acts, but it will be greater, yes much greater. The signs and wonders, the miracles, the healings that will take place will actually draw them, and the presence of the Lord will keep them. We will see people from all walks of life and we can't be acting like Pharisees people, we got to act like Christ. 

Now, with this like I said we will see people from all walks of life, it will also attract the enemy. Walk in the Spirit. Pray for discernment because the enemy is going to try to snuff it out. The enemy is going to try and extinguish the fire. Your church better be a praying church, a discerning church, so if your not there this is the time to start. You need prayer warriors on the front lines praying for the lost, praying for discernment, praying for the Pastor and the leadership that they walk in the Spirit and that the thoughts and the plans of the enemy are seen in advance. We must be prepared for the harvest. 

The scripture used above is for the church. The model of the New Testament was not to try and get people to church, to fit in and to sit. The New Testament model was, get saved, get under a good church or covering, get discipled and launch out. Do you see the vast difference? The goal is not to get someone to church ,it's for you to get saved, get filled with the Holy Spirit, get under a covering and you launch out and get the harvest. No farmer plants in spring and prays that the harvest comes to them in the fall right? No, the farmer has to get on that combine and go get the harvest. He has to have the right tools or equipment or else his harvest will die! Same with us folks, there is a harvest of souls that is ready, but we do not want to take the responsibility and go get them. Where is the scripture? It's right here in Proverbs! Please look up and read it again! Rescue those who are being taken away, hold those back who are stumbling to the slaughter! What are we doing? 

We must be a spiritual search and rescue team for the kingdom of God! We aren't meant to sit on our hind end and just sit under all this word for nothing! Yes we got to grow but we also got to go do something with the things we are learning from the Word of God. If you don't care about seeing others turning their life around and all you care about is yourself God help you! We must be people and soul minded. Think about all the people we walk past every day. We have the life changing, life altering, transforming gospel. We got to give a hopeless generation hope! That hope isn't in money, or a car, or a house, the hope is in Christ. 

Today as I end this, it is my goal that you pray for those around you and those you walk by every day. This isn't about condemnation because that is not of God, but rather awareness. Keep your eyes open at all times. The Lord is going to have His way, and He uses the church to do it. 

Be Blessed! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Train your children Part 1

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. 

Being a parent has it's difficulties doesn't it? I mean we have a huge responsibility do we not? Sometimes we are in the middle of working on ourselves and then guess what? We need to train up a child also? Thank God I am married now but there was a season I was a full time single dad of 2 growing boys, and it wasn't easy.

I got to hand it to all the single parents out there trying to do their best. I was only a single parent for a short time and I get it, much less those of you who have been doing it for years. I have a very dear friend of mine who has 4 kids and she is doing it on her own.... I can't imagine. She is a trooper. You single parents deserve an award for this.

I love this scripture and I love this picture above because it reminds me of something my two boys would do, Lord I thank you for angels. My boys have kept them angels busy! If I can be real I believe that I kept my angels pretty busy growing up as well, especially since for the majority of my life I wasn't even serving God. But this isn't about me, I want to talk to you today.

Parents, our jobs are not easy are they? Life, the enemy... life... did I say life? Well things can really make it hard raising kids, but at the same time, it's rewarding. I love my boys so much and am so glad that I get to be a part of their life every day. Our kids are our pride and joy, and as I said before, we have a major responsibility on our hands. I could start a series of blogs here and who knows I may.... but for the time being, I want to focus on the training part. The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go. Interesting the Bible didn't say, the church train your child, or the school train your child but you are to train up your child in the way they should go.

Why do we think it's ok for the church to raise our children? Let me remind you that kid's church Pastors/Leaders only see your children for an hour or maybe two at the most per week. So, the church has the responsibility to raise our kids? No, it's not the church who has the responsibility it's the parents! It's us!

While I am getting into all of your business right now and your still reading this let's talk about the school system. Now if your child goes to a Christian school great, and that helps but many go to public schools where your children are exposed to many things at much younger ages than when I was in school. Now, for me I am ok with my children going to a public school because there is a mission field there, but there is also a risk involved. The chances of Christian kids influencing their peers is lower than peers influencing Christian kids. Let's just be real ok? And don't get all holy on me I know that our kids have the Holy Spirit, and that angels are watching over them and all of that but I a just saying, we are still flesh! We have desires! We will never stop trying to crucify our flesh, and it's harder for kids these days to say no to things.

I have spent several years in youth ministry and kids have come to me who have had sex, did drugs and drank alcohol... stolen.. fought with suicide, dealt with rejection and felt alone. Yes, these kids who have the Holy Spirit and have angels watching over them. Can I just say it's not just kids but many adults are dealing with the same demons, but anyways, we are talking about the kids.

Parents, I get that we will never be perfect and I am not expecting you to be perfect but take your responsibility of training your child seriously. Being in ministry for a while, you see things you wish you had not ever seen. I have stories but for the sake of not writing a book here I won't get into it. You may not as a parent have it all together, but keep working. You know, sometimes I feel like I have failed with my boys at times. I wish at times I could go back in time and do some things differently, but I am human and we need to learn from those things. This walk with the Lord is a journey and a marathon. Train your kids, even while working on you. Train your kids, don't put your burden onto the church or the school. The church and the school's job is to instruct, to give knowledge, it's your job to train them in the ways of the Lord. It's your job to tell them what's right and what's wrong and allow them to walk by themselves.

As I end this, I remeber the movie Ray, starring Jamie Fox. Jamie Fox played Ray Charles but at the first part of the movie, it showed how Ray Charles went blind as a boy. There was a scene I will never forget. His mother kept helping him when he was losing his vision. She trained him about smell, and touch. This one scene Ray walks in his house, he is totally blind at this point and his mom is there, but she keeps quiet. Ray is walking around his house, can't see a thing in front of him and he keeps yelling for his mom, but she stays there not making a sound. You may say that's cruel, but she was seeing what he learned. There comes a point when he is getting very close to a wood stove and it was very hot. His mom wanted to help but, he had to learn.. so she stayed quiet. Ray's hand got very close to the oven, but he noticed it was hot and turned away... and finally his mom rushes in and gives him a huge hug.

We as parents must be the same way when it comes to our kids. We have to train them, but we have to also allow them to make their decisions, depending on their age. We can lead them to water but we can't make them drink. I want to stress the importantnce of training our kids. Train them in the Lord. Teach them about the Word of God. Teach them how to pray. Teach them about how to listen to the voice of God, and finally, teach them how to do things around the house. Teach them to cook, to clean, to do laundry. This is important stuff.

I hope this blessed you today. I got blessed out of it because I love kids and I love my boys. We won't always do everything right all the time parents, we will fail at times. But learn, move on, and help your kids so they won't fall into the same traps that you did. I pray that God will bless you and your family today. I pray for healing in the family unit, and I pray for unity.

Be Blessed!

Monday, April 11, 2016

God's going to show off

Good afternoon, so today the Lord put this scripture and saying in my Spirit but I want to expand on it. Before I expand on this and before everyone gets all excited I want to put out a disclaimer. I could care less to make your flesh happy, I don't care about the flesh at all, what my goal is transformation. So my disclaimer is to your flesh.

God is not interested in your flesh either, and even though God is doing some crazy things this season in a good way it's not so you can go around bragging you have the best car or the most expensive house on the block. God is moving things and setting things up like a game of chess. Every piece has to be put in a specific spot for such a time as this. You picking up what I am putting down? This isn't about bragging rights it's about strategy.

When God pours out His ridiculous favor it's a chess move. For some of you this may be very drastic, but if you trust Him, you will see great things come your way.

As I said previously that God is going to be doing crazy things in this season, and some of them will be drastic. Why? Because the time is short! He is doing so much and some of you will experience powerful shifts and movement because He is putting you into place. Don't be suprised at some of the things God will have you do, but He wouldn't ask you to do it if He didn't trust you. Remember Jonah? Jonah got a little self centered but God had to bring a big fish into the picture to help him out.

This is not the season to fight and argue with God because if you do that you will miss out on so much that He has for you. Sometimes people won't get it, and that's ok but keep trusting in the Lord and He will do the talking for you. God's going to be bringing finances into the church like never before but let me warn you, keep it for the kingdom. Be a river not a reservoir. A river always flows. God will be sending millionaires in your path and they will be blessing churches with some big seed because the Lord is speaking to them, but for those churches that waste it and don't use it for Kingdom purpose, they will never see it again.

When it comes to the ways and the thoughts of God go with it. Again, God is the ultimate chess player and He is making the moves, the shifts, the transition, bringing in the wealth for a reason. Some of you been having a lot of dreams, I know I have, but God is giving His people dreams again. Why? He wants you to see things, for some that's the only way God can talk to you because you are not listening when He speaks in other ways. Guys, just be careful when it comes to dreams. What I mean by that is don't get goofy ok? God does use dreams and speak in dreams but not always ok? We have the Word of God and we have the Holy Spirit for a reason. Not only that but the Lord gives us discernment. Just be careful because dreams comes to your mind, and that is the main way the enemy comes at you meaning, the mind. God takes a big risk when it comes to dreams for this reason. So if you have a dream and you think it's God write it down and pray over it. Talk to somene who is in tune with God and bounce the dream off of them.

As I end this today I just want to say that I am so excited that the Lord has me here in this hour. Not only that but I say the same for you. We are near the end of this thing. God always saves the best for last. I would have it no other way. So here are a few things you need to do during this season.

1) Don't slack on prayer, reading the Word and spending time in worship
This is not the time to back off on God, but press in. Keep pressing in on these things because the time is short and the enemy knows his time is nearly up.

2) Lay aside your will
Galatians 2:20 says, I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. God will direct you to a destiny and it will be great! But you have to lay aside your will in order for it to happen.

3) Take yourself out of the equation
I struggle with this so much. Can I just be real with you? I always want to help God out but I am finding out that He does a much better job than I do. The more I remove myself the more God can do, just saying. Do yourself a favor and start this early. It will save you from a lot of frustration down the road. Don't confuse this with the 2nd thing. With this, you are in agreement with God's will, but you are trying to help Him and it will do more harm than good.

Example: God told me in October of 2014 to move to Missouri. I had no job, no housing and I didn't know very many people so I was trying to help God and I was sressing out trying to figure it all out. I like to know details and God keeps messing with me and won't show me sometimes... lol yanno? Finally, I trusted, and I saw His hand. Today I am so thankful but I was a mess during trying to figure it out back then.

4) Expand your faith
This kind of goes hand in hand with the 3rd thing but it's ok if you don't know how God is going to do something, as long as your trusting Him to do it. God will show up on your behalf, just trust Him to do so.

To end this I just want to say, fasten your seat belts folks... lol it's going to be a wild ride but God has you. Trust in Him and His timing and you will see great things happen.

Be Blessed!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Look at the fruit

Matthew 7: 17-20
So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. 

How many of you like fruit? Looking at this picture above makes me want to run to the grocery store right now and buy a lot of fruit and just chow down, can I get a witness? I love nearly all fruit. But what about bad fruit? Have you ever seen when fruit turns bad? How appealing is that to eat? How quick will you walk away from fruit in the supermarket that has fruit flies swarming all around it?

We are to be the same way with people. Now this scripture a few verses before was talking about being cautious of false prophets that come in sheep's clothing. Jesus went on to start talking about fruit. Why did Jesus do this? He did this because fruit will produce... With fruit you have fruit that may not be ready to be picked because it's to ripe, or sometimes fruit that's been sitting gets bad, or the best case scenario is that the fruit is perfect. We have to be fruit inspectors.

Now when it comes to me, I like to sit back and watch people. I inspect people like many of us do. You can't just jump into friendships or other relationships with people without knowing what they are like. I got burned a few times because I didn't take the time I needed, so this was a lesson well learned by taking more time with people.

I have a friend of mine and I do call her a friend, who flows heavily in the prophetic and one night she called me out and read my mail like nobody ever has with pinpoint accuracy. At the time I didn't know anything about her but I was like, is this person a psychic or is she a prophet?  So I went and started an investigation on my own. Well I had seen some things on various sites where she was in new age and psychic type things. I was like ok... well the Bible says test the spirits so I did just that. I had seen her other times and would just sit and listen to her and just observe to see which way she was flowing. It turns out that she used to be in the new age and psychic things but is no longer involved. We have talked about this since then and it was something that was in her past.

Guess what? We all have a past. I can't write someone off because of their past, and neither should you. I give people who are trying a lot of grace and mercy. I want to help people, not hurt people. I have no problems helping you the best I can if I see that your trying.

If someone has bad fruit and your goal is to take me down with you, bye Felicia! I don't have time for people who are trying to take me down the same road as them. I am glad to help people to lift them up, but I do not have time to go back to where I used to be. I am different now, so guys, watch out for these kinds of people. It's ok if people aren't ripe yet... give them grace and mercy because they need it, but if it's bad fruit then I would say to put a lot of distance between you and them or just walk away. Inspect and observe people and their fruit.

Another quick note here. We can't expect people who are not born again to act born again, do you catch my drift? If they don't know the truth that's different. Jesus sat with sinners to show them the way. We can't just stay in our little Christian circles because we were called to go out and make disciples, not stay in our comfort zones and Christian circles.

We need to be like Christ in all things meaning, being there for people and not turning away from them in their time of need, but we can't be a doormat for people either. We can't always bail people out of their situations. You can't be their God. Sometimes people need to eat with the hogs (Luke 15 reference) and come to a realization about needing a change in their life. Sometimes we need to let people hit their rock bottom. Notice in Luke 15, which talks about the story of the prodigal son. The father didn't bail out the son who wanted his inheritance. He gave it to him and let him go. I can't imagine letting my son just go but sometimes we need to let people go.

We need to know that we can't be God and fix everyone. We can't fix people anyways. The only one who can fix us is the Lord, but God needs our will to line up with His to bring transformation. I gave up fixing people a while ago. I can't do it. I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.

So this morning I want to encourage you to ask God for discernment with people and situations. Pray that God will make you spiritually aware of wolves in sheep's clothing and people who generally aren't ripe yet. The reason we need discernment is because you don't want to be a Pharisee, who is a religious person who turns their nose to people but are "holy" people. Again our goal is to be like Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with people and situations.

When you ask the Holy Spirit for discernment He will help you recognize people and their fruit to see where they are at.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Burn it to the Ground

This morning I was reading about King Josiah in 2 Kings, chapters 22 and 23. All I got to say is wow. This isn't the first time I read it, but it seems like every time I read it, I am still blown away by this Godly King. So for those who don't know Josiah became King of Judah at the age of eight.. can you imagine that? But anyways in the 18th year of his reign they find the Book of the the Law. So as the Word is being read Josiah tears his clothes (which is a Jewish sign for grief or loss) because his people and forefathers were not doing what was written in the Book of the Law. This was an act of repentance. This must have been an eye opening experience for King Josiah.

So long story short, Josiah cleans house and when I say he cleaned house, he went above and beyond and cleaned every nook and cranny. Again, when I say that he cleaned house what I meant by that is that he tore down every idol, he tore down everything that wasn't like the God of Israel. You see until this point there was so much worship going up to idols, other Gods, so much wrong doing it was ridiculous.

Josiah was the ultimate reformer. He destroyed alters, priests that worshipped these other gods and built alters and burned incense to these gods, he even burned the bones and tombs, shrines... He burned it all to the ground. He took everything that wasn't like God, and burned it.

In the book of Acts, chapter 19, (verses 18-20) revival was in the land. God was moving mightily and it got to a point where those who had practiced magic started burning their books, why? Because God is the one with the greater power, and the people realized it. They knew there wasn't near the power in those books and spells like the power that God has.

Why am I saying all this to you today? I am saying this because we need to start burning some things to the ground. We need to start getting rid of some stuff. We need to down sizing all the garbage that is doing us no good. If you are reading this and you are starting to think about some stuff, the Holy Spirit is dealing with you.
You know, I stand for the Bible, the whole Bible not just the good parts that make us want to shout. I am all for jumping and shouting, but I am also all about healing and deliverance and deliverance needs to take place in the body of Christ. We got so many idols and so much garbage in our lives...

You got Pastors trying to rebuke demons and devils and then you come home and you got all them demons and spirits living up in your house because of the garbage you hold onto. It's time to be like Josiah and get rid of the garbage. It's time to trash it, or burn it up. Stop keeping the garbage, the idols, the shrines, the stuff in your home, in your life. Now is the time and let me just say when you do this, you will see a difference. You will see the peace of God in your life and in your home. You will see the peace and joy and presence of the Holy Spirit dwell in a whole new level when you let go of the garbage.

As I end this, let me be clear about something. I am not all about religion I am all about relationship. Some people may be like, you want me to get rid of all my secular music and all that? First off I am not telling you to do anything but pray. The Lord may lead you to do things. If people could see how the enemy works and how spirits work you would see things in a whole new light! I am telling you when the Bible says that the enemy is out to steal, to kill, and to destroy, it's not lying! The devil hates you so much and he will do anything to destroy you. He has a whatever it takes kind of attitude. Folks, we got to be the same way about him! Whatever it takes to destroy his kingdom I am down with it!

I hope you all have a blessed day. If you have any questions or anything please e mail me at

Be blessed!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Why Do I Worship?

Psalm 86: 9&10
All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you are God alone. 

Yesterday morning I opened up our church service and I began talking about why we worship God. I said something like; He redeemed us, healed us, set us free and so much more. 

You know, I was born again in November of 1999. To my knowledge nobody showed me how to worship God, it's just something I did. I have always been in Pentecostal or charismatic churches so I guess you can say I have been prepared. I have seen people jump and shout, raise their hands, cry, speak in other tongues, roll around on the floor nd moore so worship has always been expressive around me, even as a kid. When I became born again, lifting my hands, kneeling before the Lord, crying and shouting all seemed natural. 

Here is my question; Why is it that praise and worship leaders or even Pastors sometimes seem to be a lot like a cheerleaders? Was this always the case and if not when did it begin? Now to be fair I get when we have new people or new to church and stuff and they haven't been around Pentecostal circles that you may not be so expressive but for people who have been around God for a while and they know what God has done and they just sit there like a lump on a log. 

I will say another thing here because I really want to be fair. I have seen non charismatic people praise and worship God, lift their hands, cry, kneel and worship but my point is we see this much more in charismatic circles. Here is my main point; why must we be cheerleaders? Why does it take all that? I get sometimes we start out in the flesh and all that but praise and worship should just be something we do, regardless if it's charismatic circles or not, we should just do it! 

What if God blessed us according to our praise and our worship to Him? Would it change? You say Troy what's with all the questions? But these are questions that must be asked to people who are born again believers. Praise and worship should be automatic, not something we should be primed into doing. This is the God of the universe here not a President... not a Governor... but the Creator of the world. I respect the President because of the office but I don't praise and worship Him. I like sports and I cheer and maybe I can say kind of praise but worship goes to God! 

Jesus came and died on a cross for us. Jesus came and took not only my sins, but He took my penalty also. When I die I should have to suffer for the sins that I have committed throughout my life. In a spiritual court of law myself, and all humanity deserves hell. Is that harsh? It's true because we deserve it, but what's awesome is Jesus paid the ultimate price for all of us. He took not only our sin but He took our punishment. He took the banishment and absence of God's presence for us so that we can stand in the presence of God forever. 

If you can't find a reason to worship after that something is wrong with you. Not only that but all the times God had your back, sent His angels to watch over you when you weren't even serving Him. He saved you from the car wreck you should have died in. He saved you from the disease that should have killed you. He broke all the chains that should have ensnared you like it has generation after generation in your family. Am I hitting home yet? If not than what I want you to do is ask yourself this question: Why should I worship God? Then take a look at your life and see how it could have gone, that's why you worship. 

So as I end this bit this morning, I want you to take some time to reflect on why you worship God and what can you do to make your worship better. This isn't about emotionalism, this is about reality on worship. Next time your in church or in your car or whatever, don't wait for the preacher or woship leader to prime you to worship, just do it because the Lord is great, and He deserves it all. 

Be Blessed! 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Show me your glory

Exodus 33: 17&18 
And the Lord said to Moses, "This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name." Moses said ,"Please show me your glory." 

Moses is one of my favorites in the Bible, actually my 2nd favorite behind David. Moses just knew how to tug on God. Moses was so bold when it came to the Lord. I have to tell you I don't know if I could have put up with the children of Israel like he did. When God said I am going to get rid of these jokers I would have been like yup, need some help? Can I just be real? But, God had Moses there for a reason and He has me here for a reason.

I want to talk about God's glory today. You know, this was something for Moses to ask. He said God, I want to see you, I want to see your glory. Now in the new testament the Bible says that no flesh will glory in His presence because there is so much glory and power in God we couldn't stand it and it's so powerful that we could die. I think the Lord knew that Moses had earned it at that point. Moses put up with a lot and dealt with a lot and I think Moses proved himself to see a level or a portion of God's glory.

Now later on in Exodus 34 the Bible says that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the 10 commandments that the face of Moses was shining because He had been with God. Moses had a very distinguished glow about him. Why did I point that out? Because you can tell when people have been in the presence of the Lord. Sometimes it might be a glow, or you can just see the peace of God, or you sense the anointing on a persons life. God doesn't just do this for everybody. Yes you may be in a service and you feel the presence o God and you sense the anointing but if you want to be anointed you got to go to the mountain like Moses and spend time with the Lord.

If you are seeking the Lord and you are relentless in your pursuit of Him, He will reward you with the anointing. When I come across people who are very anointed I know 2 things. I know that they have been broken and that they been seeking the Lord. A powerful anointing doesn't come on you just because you preach, or lay hands on people... now God will honor that and God will anoint you to do those things but people who carry a very strong and powerful anointing, it came from being broken and seeking the Lord.

The Bible says to touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. Why did I bring this up? Because you have people hating on Benny Hinn and others and saying he is fake, and a phony. Please, I ask you to keep your trap shut. Your job is not to speak that garbage out of your mouth. If they are doing things that aren't right you allow the Lord to deal with that person.

Ok, now back to he glory. Do you want to be a person who wants the glory of God? You have to seek God! You have to spend time on the mountain. Reading your Bible for 2 minutes a day, praying 4 minutes a day won't do it. I am sorry to burst your bubble but there is a price to pay for the glory. This isn't popular but it's Biblical. You want a greater anointing spend more time on the mountain with the Lord. Spend hours in worship. Spend hours reading.... spend hours praying...spend time with the Lord. Do you want your face to shine? You got to spend time with the Lord.

Today, as I close this out I want to encourage you, as I usually do to really seek the Lord. The more time you spend with the Lord and in His Word, the easier it will be to hear His voice. Spend time soaking in God's presence by listening to worship... praying, reading... protect your time! Don't let the enemy clutter your time with the Lord because it's the most important part of your day. Your daily bread.. spiritual bread. You need it, I need it, we need it!

Take the time to spend on the mountain like Moses did... if you do others will notice the glow. You will notice the glow. Your prayer life will change. Your worship life will change. Your Word time will change.

Be blessed and have a great day!