Monday, February 29, 2016

Find Your Keys

Matt 16:19
And I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 

Wow! This scripture is loaded with so much it's ridiculous. Just think about this for a moment; Jesus said He will give us the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Why would He do this? We have an incredible amount of responsibility do we? So I guess the question is, what do we do with it?

What do we do with these keys? Well as we all should know keys are used for locking and unlocking doors and what Jesus is talking about is no different than that. We have an obligation from heaven to bind and loose things on the earth. You say God is in control right? Do I believe that God is in control? You bet I believe that God is in control. So than what part do we play? We are stewards here on the earth.

We, the church should be standing up like never before not cowering down like usual. Jesus wants His church to rise in power here on the earth! There should be a huge difference from the church and the world but today it's hard to spot the difference. I am not talking about dress... tattoos... earrings.. piercings, but what I am talking about is the difference between the church and the world.

In the book of Acts we saw a huge transformation when the Holy Spirit came in power. The church was radical, the church was different, the church was transformed. Today it should be no different. Today in so many churches the praise and the worship is boring, the preaching is boring, everything, boring. Please don't think I mean every church because there are some churches that are going against the grain, but many churches are stagnant and boring, and you can tell. We must take a page from the book of Acts to see what happens when man gets out of the way and God can breathe or bring the fire of the Holy Spirit.

So back to the keys! The Bible speaks a lot about confession. Confession has gotten a bad wrap because some have used it as a piggy bank. I want a new BMW, well just confess it and it will come to pass. I am not hating just saying. I believe in confession but I also believe we must use it for the kingdom, not a want list for us.

But we have the power of utterance and confession. Jesus defeated the devil in Matthew 4 by doing what? Confessing the Word of God. We have to do the same thing to get the same results. We have to speak the word. There isn't much preaching about this today, but it's relevant. We must grasp this. Speak the Word! When the devil comes knocking, speak the Word! When trials comes, speak the Word!

God gave us a mouth for a reason. He didn't give it to us to gossip, He gave it to us to speak His Word. God wants to move on the earth. I believe in the shift that is taking place. I believe in the awakening that is about to hit the world. But, we can't stop. We can't quit we have to push like never before. We have to run through a wall if we must.

Use the keys given to you to speak Gods Word. The devil cannot defeat you. He can't beat you. He has no authority. The only authority He has is the authority you give him. Take the keys, speak the Word, and keep the devil where he belongs, which is under your feet!

Be blessed!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Being Thankful. A post on thankfulness on Facebook today

Just thankful today. God is good no matter what life tries to throw at us. The Holy Spirit continues to guide, to teach, to help and so much more. I am thankful for wife Marketta Strange-Voyles, my boys, and my friends.

We all have good days and bad days. We all have ups and downs, but God is no doubt with us. Sometimes I gripe and complain about things and I am so impatient, but I am thankful for a God and those in my circle lol who can just listen. We all have tantrums right?

Sometimes we just need to take some time to thank God for the little unseen things that we more often than not take for granted. I stand in awe of God for who He is and has been in my life. I thank Him because He never gives up on me.

Today peeps why not give the God we serve just some praise, not only that just thank Him.

Maybe your reading this and your not a Christian, you don't serve God. It is my prayer that you get to know Him. I pray that you start today. There is nothing like Him. How do you get to know Him? Simply ask Him to come into your heart, come into your life. Make you new.

Some of you are depressed, oppressed, unhappy, void of emotions... angry, bitter etc...
The Lord can and will take that from you, if you let Him. God won't take anything from you, you must be willing to part ways with it. The work was already done when Christ died for you. Give it to Him and watch your life change. Part ways with anger, bitterness, hurt, rejection and fear. Lay it all at the foot of the cross today.

Only God can give you beauty for ashes. Only God can turn your mourning into dancing

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lay Hands on the Sick Part 1

Mark 16:18 
They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover 

I want to talk about this subject of laying hands on the sick. There is so much to this healing the sick thing and me doing this one blog won't be nearly enough to do this subject justice, but I will at lest make my 1st attempt at it.

I was born again into a church that believed in the laying on of hands. My Pastor, Bob Smith, prayed for the sick all the time. Even after most churches I either went to or visited believed in laying hands on the sick. Sometimes if I was on vacation or whatever I would visit a church that didn't believe in it, but for the most part, since 1999 I went to churches that believed in laying hands on the sick.

Let me be crystal clean on my belief. As a Christian. I believe in laying hands on the sick because well, it's scriptural. There are several cases in the word where Jesus did it, as well as the Apostles in the book of Acts. This wasn't just a "Jesus" thing it is a Christian thing, regardless of denomination or affiliation. If you look back in history even some of the revivalists and evangelists and pastors in history simply believed in laying hands on the sick. These men and women came from all walks of life and different denominations. Does God's Word change? It shouldn't. The Bible says the same thing, regardless if you are Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Pentecostal etc...

So is it always God's will to heal? Can I say always no matter what? As for me and my opinion alone, I say no. This may shock some people but this is where I am at. Do I believe that God heals? Oh yes, I have even seen God heal people. I have seen and witnessed miracles and I believe that God still heals and does miracles today.

So why is it that some don't get healed? Some may say, man Troy I prayed and prayed but they still didn't get healed. Is God's Word true? Yes absolutely the Word of God is true. God's Word doesn't ever lie. This is difficult when you pray, fast and even believe for someone to get healed and they don't. It can be frustrating and some have even walked away from the faith because of this very thing. It happens. So why? Something we need to realize is that God gave all of mankind free will. Sometimes a person may have a terminal illness and you have 100 people praying, fasting, interceding and standing in the gap, but what about that persons free will? What if they are simply tired of fighting? What if they are just ready to go? Than it doesn't matter if you have one million praying, more than likely that person will be exiting this life. God can't go against free will. It's simply something God can't do. Think about that for just a second. We say God can do anything but He can't change your mind and your free will. Now.. in the book of Jonah God can put a big fish in your life and make you think about your foolish steps and actions, but Jonah honestly could have died in the belly of that fish. He did change his mind, with God's help.

Another reason people may not get healed is because they hold onto things like resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred and other things which is a block to a persons healing. Even another reason would be you have an elderly person who has simply lived a full life. Who are we to deny that persons will by praying and laying hands if they are simply ready to go? We can't.

So what do we do today? Do we lay hands on the sick or don't we? Should we pray for them or shouldn't we? I would say that we must have a lot of discernment in our lives and ask some questions. Simply ask, do you want to be healed? You may say that's stupid, but is it from the examples above?

As I go on I believe that God still heals the sick, raises the dead, and does signs, wonders and miracles. I will never stop believing that, but I will pray for discernment before laying hands on just anyone.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Familia

This is the love of my life, my much better half. Marketta and I started our little adventure last year on her birthday, Feb 21st. I needed to go and do some retail therapy and it was her birthday so we decided to make a night of it and shop, and then eat. That is where it all started. We actually didn't have a 1st date really, we just hung out. I really don't consider them dates. We got married on Nov 7th of this year. Some may say, wow... that was really fast, I say, it was honestly a God thing.
Truth be told, I didn't want to gt evolved with anyone when I moved to Missouri. My plan (haha) was to be at Christian Life Church until the Lord said to go, move to Texas and settle down at that point but, God has a way of messing up our plans. It's ok, I am not complaining His plans are much better than our plans. But, I am a very happy man and am anxious to see all that God is going to be doing through us.

He put me with a woman of God. Marketta hears from the Lord, prays and reads her word. Not only that but she is driven for ministry. Her heart is ministry, and this has been a huge benefit in my life. Men, a real woman prays, seeks the heart of God, reads her word and follows after Him.

These 3 adorable little kids are my boys. Josiah is 12 years old, Noah 8, and Silas 10 months. I love these guys so much. It's hard to believe how much they have grown. What happened? They used to be so small. I don't know what I would do without these guys. They are very dear to my heart!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The door is open! Will you be brave enough to walk through?

1 Cor 16:8
But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

So last night I get this picture together and post it on Facebook right? Well the Lord gave me a word this morning on this very thing. Once I got it together the Lord said get on periscope and speak it out! I thought it was a message for another time but the Holy Spirit said to speak it out and well.. since He is in charge I just went with it.

So right now God has this door opened for you, but the question is, will you walk through it or just stare it wishing you could walk through?

The door is opened but there are adversaries. If you think that the enemy is just going to lay down you are mistaken. If you think the enemy is just going to let you walk in that door without resistance you are mistaken. Also if you think that haters are going to keep quiet your wrong.

The enemy will use anyone and everyone who has a voice to try and keep you from your destiny. Also the enemy will especially use loved ones and friends, people you have an emotional attachment to to try and hinder you.

Here is a few keys about this door. The door is wide but ummm, not everyone will come with you through that door.

KEY 1: Get a small circle around you who is going where your going

You need to get a very small circle around you who is going in your direction. You don't need too many people literally 2 or 3 people. Now, make sure your following the Lord in your decision making. Don't be taking people and drinking the kool aid you know what I mean? This is for those who have a clue where they are going but are not right there yet. Pray and fast for those who are supposed to be in your corner.

KEY 2: Let the Holy Spirit lead you

In everything, you need the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher, your Guide, your everything. Don't go rogue here flow with the Holy Spirit. He will show you but, He will not drive you. What the Holy Spirit will do is lead you to a place where your out of your comfort zone, but then you get to a place where you rely on the Holy Spirit.

As I end this I want to say that you have to put that spirit of fear behind you. If you plan on moving forward that spirit of fear can't come with you. This is a Peter walking on the water moment. Remember the scripture God has not given you a spirit of fear? Yes... forget about the nay sayers, forget about the haters, forget about the fear, and move forward. You got this. You are more than a conqueror.

Be blessed!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Signs,Wonders and Miracles oh my!

Acts 5:12 

Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the Apostles 

Mark 16: 15-18 

And He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany (follow) those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. 

Mark's gopel is my favorite gospel because it talks about all the powerful things and it adds verses 17 & 18 which speaks of the power we are to walk in and the signs that should follow us as believers. Also the book of Acts, c'mon this is my favorite book in the Bible. It used to be the book the Ephesians, which is a great book no doubt but it has taken a back seat to the book of Acts. The book of Acts is the book where it speaks of the history of the church. The church really got started on the day of Pentecost where 3000 people got added to the body of Christ and the Holy Spirit fell on 120+ people.

Here is my thing about now; where are the signs and wonders? Where did they go? Did they leave? Did the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob leave the building or did we, the church get stale. I believe that in this season we will see the return of the book of Acts church. The fire of the Holy Spirit is going to come and clean up the church. What we got away with years ago we will no longer get away with. The seeker sensitive churches will either fade or catch on fire. But God is done playing games.

This is the season where we will see the return of the signs, the wonders and the miracles. What we must do is step out of our little comfort zones and act. God is wanting to reveal the sons and the daughters to an unbelieving world. Something has shifted though. Something has changed. This is the season of the Spirit. This is a season where it doesn't matter what the name is on your church sign. It doesn't matter what denomination your church is. This is the season of the Spirit.

The fire of the Holy Spirit and the glory of God is coming to a building near you. Doesn't matter if it's a "church" building or a commercial building. The Fire of the Holy Spirit is coming! And when He comes, people will burn. They won't literally burn but the anointing will be so strong that they will run out of the churches and they will lay hands on the sick. Miracles will take place in the most unusual places. Arms, legs, and organs will grow before the eyes of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. Why? Because God is showing out. Religious people will hate this just like they did in Jesus and the Apostles day. They hate it and they will try and stop it but they will be unsuccessful. The devil will try to put it out but he won't be able to put out the fire.

This is the moment we have all been waiting for.

My Testimony

Hello all, my name is Troy Voyles, and I am an Executive Pastor at Christian Life Church, in Farmington, Mo. I have been serving here for a little over a year now. I am married to Marketta Strange-Voyles, since Nov 7th of 2015. I have 2 boys from a previous marriage, Josiah is 11, and Noah is 7.
My childhood was great. I had (and still have) a great mom and a dad who love us dearly and did everything they could to give us a better life.I also have an older brother, and a half sister. We were middle class family, my father worked as a machine repair man and my mom, for the most part, was a stay at home mom. I, like many kids went to church as a kid. I never liked going to children’s church much, for me, it was better being with the adults hearing the fiery preacher.
We went to church pretty regularly until I was 12 years old. What changed? Well during this time Jimmy Swaggert and Pat Baker from the PTL club, made some mistakes and at the time, my parents looked up to them and decided if that’s the way Christianity is, they want nothing to do with it. After that, during my teenage years I drank, partied and well, other things. That drinking and party stage excelled into my early 20’s because I was finally at legal age to drink. It got to a point to where I did it to cope with the pain and the God shaped void in my heart. For some reason I had this great idea that the more I drank, the more my problems would go away. They never did. During my 20’s I dated a girl, the girl of my dreams. Big problem on my end was, I didn’t want to grow up and be an adult, she did. At the end of that 3 year relationship I got to an all time low. Suicide as a kid was this horrible sin and everyone who committed suicide went to hell right? Well it seemed at this point in my life like.. who cares.
After going down this downward spiral I decided that drinking myself to death was a great idea. The devil had a plan, but, so did God. In 1999 I enrolled into Vatterott College to be an electrician, not because I wanted to be one, but because it was a good profession and was going to give me some kind of direction in life. One night while driving home from Fenton, Missouri the song on my favorite radio station wasn't good so I started changing channels. This was a divine appointment with me and Charles Stanley. I turned the radio to 91.5, a Christian radio station with preaching and teaching. All the time I knew God existed, but wasn’t following Him. Charles Stanley was preaching on the crossroads that night, and he was challenging everyone who was at the crossroads in life to make a decision to follow Christ.
That night it all started coming back to me. The sermons I heard as a child, the songs we sang about redemption, the blood and more but I still wasn’t ready to confess my sins. But something happened that night, a big seed was watered in my life and brought back those memories of God, and the church. As a few months went on I kept thinking about those crossroads. My folks a few years prior had returned to Christ, went to a great church, and kept inviting me. Since I was (and still am stubborn) I refused until the morning of Nov 12th, 1999.
I told my dad, my role model that I was going to go to church with them that morning. As we drove to the church, Living Faith Ministry in Festus, Mo that morning, the tug was real. I was ready to surrender my life to Christ in the parking lot. The Pastor of the church, Bob Smith was preaching on who knows what, I didn’t even care, the alter was calling my name. Finally, the sermon was over and he invited people to come up and kneel and pray at the alter. My chance had arrived, it was finally time. I went to that alter, dropped on my knees like a sack of potatoes and sobbed like never before in my life. Pastor Bob laid his hand on my shoulder and I grabbed his leg like a dog does a bone and continued to sob. That morning I surrendered my life, my will, my everything and accepted Christ for real.
For the 1st time ever, I felt a peace that I can’t dear explain. That morning the Holy Spirit came to live on the inside of me, and life as I knew it changed. The pain, the depression, the suicidal thoughts vanished.
This was my salvation experience, and for that I am thankful, but there is more to the story, for a later time.